An amazing raise from TMS UK

We would like to thank Craigs place of work, TMS UK from the bottom of our hearts for the incredible contribution and donations in memory of our baby boy Grayson. When we returned home from the hospital, Craig had to let them know of what had happened. The support was second to none and behind the scenes, the team gathered to start a donation.

A number of weeks following, Craig received a call from a friend to say that they had raised some money and wanted to transfer it. This was to be used for anything that we needed, any support we required.

TMS uk workplace donated a huge £2300 … we still cannot believe the kind generosity, the thoughts for us and Grayson, the care, love and support.

The money raised will be used for the following: Donation towards Rosie’s Rainbow Fund, Teddy’s Wish and the set up cost of Grayson’s Legacy Support Trust.

Rosies Rainbow fund has supported us with bereavement support with counselling from the incredible Jenni Thomas OBE. They support sick & disabled children and their families at three hospitals- two of which supported us with the short care of Grayson (Stroke Mandeville, John Radcliffe and Berkshire hospital). They do so by providing music therapy sessions for children and have a designated therapy room for families to unwind, recoup and build strength to continue standing strong for their children. They also provide support in to research for childhood illnesses.

Teddy’s Wish has been in contact with us to invite us to the incredible ‘Reflect, Restore, Renew’ retreat taking place in September/October 2020. The retreats are fully funded by Teddy’s Wish and provide a safe place and time out for bereaved parents in a supporting, caring and confidential environment. The retreats are facilitated by the wonderful patrons Jenni Thomas and Nicki Whitworth.

We are in awe of the aims and achievements of these charities and only hope to achieve as much. We are so thankful for their support and the connections we have made with them, although its in circumstances we only dream that we would not have met through.


The families climb to the top…


Rainbow Delights